This is how Guaidó is rendering his account for the millions stolen in “humanitarian aid”

The Citizen
7 min readSep 3, 2020


The seditious lobby that acts around the figure of Juan Guaidó to block and steal the resources of Venezuela, actions that they carry out with the support of the United States, the European Union and some servile governments — such as Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Chile Bolivia, among others, presented a “report” on the alleged “use” of the money usurped from the South American country.

Guaidó’s “spokespersons” spoke about part of the money that, since January 2019, has been stolen from the Venezuelan State under arguments such as “humanitarian aid” and “social support”. Meanwhile, their personal accounts and that of their families are becoming multimillion-dollar accounts and the quality of life of the population in Venezuela becomes increasingly deplorable.

This time it was the so-called “Office for Humanitarian Aid designated by Juan Guaidó” who was in charge of presenting an “accounts report”. Miguel Pizarro and Manuela Bolívar, tried to explain “how they have spent the resources of international cooperation” and those “obtained from different accounts”.

Guaido’s various scandals involving theft of money, embezzlement and links with paramilitary groups and Colombian drug trafficking are already publicly known, as he poses as a false “interim government” that only seeks to benefit his economic interests and those of the Donald Trump regime. Even Trump himself used at least 600 million dollars stolen from Venezuela to build part of the xenophobic wall against Mexico.

Among those resources, as can be observed in the aforementioned Guaidó “report”, are included those available in bank accounts abroad — stolen and ‘frozen’ from the Venezuelan State in transfers that were to be used for the purchase of food, medicine and spare parts for priority sectors. In an illegal manner, the international financial sector handed over these resources to false “officials” of the so-called “Ad-Hoc Administrative Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)”, appointed by Guaidó, which claims to have the purpose of “financing social spending with priority attention to the humanitarian emergency”.

All these stolen resources, such as the 31 tons of gold that the Bank of England seized from Venezuela, are managed by this seditious and usurping group, under the false allegation that they are an “interim government” that no one elected but was ‘created’ under the support and sponsorship of the United States.

In order to handle part of these billions of dollars stolen from Venezuela, Washington not only invented the false “Government” of Guaidó, but also a parallel “National Assembly” that supposedly enacted a “Special Law” called the “Fund for the Liberation of Venezuela and Attention to Vital Risk Cases “, an instrument that justifies before the international media — regardless of its legal nature — “the authorization of the use of resources, through an expenditure administration council”.

The supposed ‘social expenses’ with ‘priority attention’

According to the criminal group, among the resources allegedly used to provide “humanitarian aid” to Venezuelans are those that they describe as “social expenditures with priority attention for the humanitarian emergency related to vital risks”, which include “various projects totaling 37.87 million dollars”, but that in Venezuela nobody knows where they have been invested or which group of people they have helped.

The first of those plans, according to Guaidó’s spokesmen, is the so-called “Health Heroes”, a project that they claim “had an item of $ 18.87 million” and with which Guaidó assures that “he granted a bonus to 62,697 Venezuelan health professionals”, who no one knows who they are and which — according to him — was “100 dollars a month for only three months”, this supposedly “to face an adverse work environment in the face of the pandemic”.

On the other hand, the “Office of the First Lady”, which is the office managed by Guaidó’s wife, Fabiana Rosales, launched the Plan Mother “María de San José”, which received five million dollars. According to them, it was a pilot plan to provide “humanitarian aid to the vulnerable population” that suffers from serious health problems or “life-threatening and high-cost diseases”, but there is no known case of anyone been “benefited” with these “care”.

The most critical thing about this supposed aid that they have never given to the people who need it, is that these millions of dollars were awarded to Guaidó’s team, because in Venezuela there are no “material means to obtain treatment or surgical operations, which are needed in order to save lives”; a situation caused by them (Guaidó and his team) as they promoted the severe total blockade imposed by the United States, the European Union and their complicit countries against the lives of Venezuelans.

The report seeks to justify the theft done by Guaidó’s people and adds that “finally”, another “10 million dollars were awarded for a response plan to the COVID-19 epidemic in Venezuela”, which — according to them — was put into action “thanks to an agreement with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Government ”, but not precisely “the government of Guaidó” but the Government of Nicolás Maduro, as certified by documents signed with PAHO.

Guaidó’s team also includes in its report, a “project together with the International Federation of the Red Cross”, which was actually signed by the Maduro government and the aforementioned institution, which — according to them — “the Guaidó government” allocated “four million dollars, also to address the pandemic”.

International cooperation to loot Venezuela

The so-called “commission” assures that with the usurped money they have made “at least 162 deliveries of Humanitarian Aid to hospitals, non-governmental organizations, foundations and humanitarian settlements, which was possible thanks to international cooperation”.

“These international supports” — they say — “totaled $ 139.68 million, with the European Commission sending the most aid ($ 61.5 million), ahead of the United States ($ 39.2 million) and the United Kingdom ($ 8 million)”. These countries are the main ones involved in the theft of Venezuela’s properties and resources abroad, as is the case with the CITGO refinery, located in the United States and valued at more than $ 40,000 million

To steal this billion dollar figure from Venezuela, the seditious group — clearly managed and advised by its foreign accomplices — created a so-called “2019 Care Plan”, in which they assured that they would serve “seven million Venezuelans” who “require humanitarian assistance”. But — with all the money stolen — they could only “provide care for 2.6 million people”, although in the end, they never did provide anything to anyone.

That plan, justified as “humanitarian response” ensured that it would cover “the areas of water, sanitation and hygiene, food security, protection, health, education, nutrition and coordination”; and for this, a budget was established and its requirements reached “$ 223 million”, a figure that — to date — no one has seen or received in Venezuela.

According to this criminal group, they could only use 33.8% of the 223 million, this due to “the main limitation of expanding humanitarian assistance to more people in need”.

For this reason, they now say that for “the 2020 Plan”, the resources that are supposed to be delivered to Venezuelans “doubles in practically all the spaces in that of the 2019 Plan, both the target population to be attended, the necessary resources, like the number of partners and projects”. In this way, they assure that “they hope to serve 4.5 million Venezuelans” of the seven who, they estimate, need help.

In that sense, in 2019 and through the Financial Tracking System (FTS) of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Guaidó’s group says that “donations were received for $ 179.9 million”.

“In that case, 77.4 million were destined to finance the projects that made up the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan. The donors that contributed the most resources to the care of Venezuelans in 2019 were the United States Government and the European Union”, states the report with which they intend to justify the theft of the money that was supposed to reach Venezuelans.

But, in order to continue financing the blatant theft that clearly takes place and flagrantly violates current international regulations, this group created “the 2020 Plan”, but which — according to them — “so far and despite the total amount being 139 million dollars “, they have only been able to allocate “61.6 million” to the “Humanitarian Response Plan 2020”, which would reach the astronomical figure of “762 million dollars”.

In addition — as they recall — in May 2020, the European Union and Spain promoted the International Conference of Donors in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants, with which they aspire to “meet more needs of its citizens who have had to leave the country in the face of the crisis they are living”, that is, they could raise more money with the false argument of “humanitarian aid”, as they did with the millions of dollars stolen in the so-called “Venezuela Live Aid” concert and the resources sent to Cúcuta, Colombia, which supposedly went for Venezuelan citizens and that ended up stolen by Guaidó and his henchmen.



The Citizen
The Citizen

Written by The Citizen

The Citizen is a newspaper focused on quality articles on politics and culture of America and the whole world

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