The Añez farce in Bolivia is over: When does Guaidó’s in Venezuela expire?

The Citizen
6 min readOct 22, 2020


Both Áñez and Guaidó have been involved in scandalous corruption cases. Also in the theft of resources from their States and links with drug mafias, among other perverse irregularities

In January 2019, the name of a Venezuelan deputy completely unknown to the community came to light in the international media: Juan Guaidó. His image quickly went viral as if it were a world event. He had proclaimed himself “president in charge” and / or “interim president” — it was never known which of the two he really was — of a kind of parallel State. He did it with the support of the United States, the European Union, several lackey governments, and the complicity of the Organization of American States (OAS).

Guaidó’s objective is to usurp the Executive Power, exercised by Nicolás Maduro, re-elected in 2018 with more than 60% of the votes. Maduro’s victory in those presidential elections allows him to govern the 2019–2025 period by constitutional mandate.

Thus, began one of the greatest lies of recent times. With this, the “fragility” of a democracy was made evident when international bodies such as the OAS become coup lobbyists. The entity is accused of overthrowing governments with political tricks and dirty war campaigns against peoples that do not follow the interests of Washington.

In this way, Guaidó became a kind of “political” antecedent to try to impose — without restrictions — arbitrary decisions by Washington to dominate and control the world at will.

The ‘Guaidó scheme’ for Bolivia

Little more than 10 months later, history repeated itself in another of the South American countries that the US regime most persecuted: Bolivia. The Plurinational State of Evo Morales achieved too many social conquests in favor of the most needy. The country even became one of the most powerful in the continent — even above the United States — and in the world. Because of this, it obtained the recognition of entities with a despicable record such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, among other defenders of the capitalist model.

In the presidential elections of October 2019, Bolivians decided to re-elect Evo Morales for a new term. A victory that — after almost a year — has been verified by different international bodies as legitimate and absolute. But, back then, opposition candidate Carlos Mesa screamed fraud. Immediately, the OAS — which took advantage of Morales’ invitation to review the count — seconded the false accusation.

The OAS ruling, which was later found to be biased, had the sole objective of getting President Morales out of the way. Thus, he led a coup d’etat orchestrated by the extreme right, the United States embassy; the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro; and the military and police leaders of Bolivia. The latter threatened to kill Morales, who had not even completed his constitutional mandate, and they imposed Jeanine Áñez ‘de facto’. This ultra-Catholic hates the indigenous and the poor and proclaimed herself, with the bible in hand, as “president in charge.”

Immediately, Áñez received some “congratulations” for assuming a presidential position that no Bolivian granted her, as happened with Guaidó. Indeed, Guaidó was one of the first to embrace her “mandate”, all under the control of the United States and the OAS. Immediately, a persecution against Morales began, to the point of forcing him into exile, along with several members of his government, under threat of death.

Lies and corruption: A relationship between the ‘self-proclaimed’

When Áñez proclaimed herself, Guaidó wrote to her. “From the legitimate Government of Venezuela we recognize @JeanineAnez as interim President of Bolivia, in her mission to guide a constitutional transition towards a presidential election. They are an inspiration for our country, we have the conviction that we will achieve freedom”, was the message.

Next, the self-proclaimed replied: “I thank the President (E) of the Republic of Venezuela @jguaido for the recognition of my government. As Constitutional President of Bolivia, I invite you to designate the new Venezuelan Ambassador to Bolivia, who will be recognized immediately by our government”.

Both Áñez and Guaidó have been involved in scandalous corruption cases. Also in the theft of resources from their States and links with drug mafias, among other perverse irregularities.

But how long does a lie last? How long does it take for karma to collect? In the case of Áñez, her dictatorial, repressive and human rights violator “government” has already become part of the perverse history of Bolivia. This Sunday -October 19- Bolivians confirmed in a new electoral process their will to be governed by people related to their interests. Its decision was to support the candidates of the party of Evo Morales Ayma, who for a decade made great strides for their country.

Áñez ‘expired’, when will Guaidó?

Jeanine Áñez had no choice but to congratulate the new president, Luis Arce, and his vice president, David Choquehuanca. Both were protagonists of the successful Morales government and members of the Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) party.

Meanwhile, Guaidó — today — has no popularity whatsoever and lost the strong support of those who previously backed him. Despite his tricks and inventions to try to convince the world of his non-existent political power in Venezuela, his days are counted.

Guaidó’s date of ‘expiration’ is December 6, 2020, when in Venezuela — by constitutional mandate- parliamentary elections will be held. In the last five years, the Legislative Power only served to create a false parallel State, impose and promote a total blockade against Venezuelans, sabotage the oil industry and steal the country’s resources abroad.

For now, Guaidó insists on his rhetoric of ignoring the upcoming elections. But, everything indicates that his so-called “interim” — which seems to want to extend although no one recognizes it — is leading directly to the cessation of his already limited operations. On the way there is only one outcome, because among so many lies the only thing he can catch is the sentence of the truth.



The Citizen
The Citizen

Written by The Citizen

The Citizen is a newspaper focused on quality articles on politics and culture of America and the whole world

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