Chaos and lies in Ecuador: Why should we not believe Lenín Moreno’s figures on Covid-19?
The total number of deaths offered by the Government — including the “probable” ones — is 9,407. However, those numbers do not even reach the 10,000 ‘atypical’ victims registered by the province of Guayas
The situation of the pandemic generated by COVID-19 on the planet has shown the fragilities of the health systems in different countries. It has also exposed the governments that try to hide the real impact that the new coronavirus is having on their country’s population. That is the case of Ecuador, in the hands of the Lenín Moreno regime.
Currently, Ecuador can be considered a regime that eradicated the rule of law and curtailed press freedom and free access to information, with the closure of media outlets not aligned with the government’s editorial line. In addition, persecutions are promoted against journalists who seek to report on the reality suffered by a country involved in a political, economic, social, health and sanitary crisis.
The critical situation worsened with the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, revealing the inaction of the State and a deathly silence of the Government regarding the daily balances on infections and deaths from COVID-19.
The manipulation of data on the behavior of the pandemic has been denounced since the massive lack of control of infections began, a situation that became evident when hundreds of corpses began to appear in the streets of Guayaquil, a city that was even taken by birds of prey, due to to the pestilence that reached the city.
Ecuador does not present exact figures
Ecuadorian journalists have denounced that the official figures of deaths from COVID-19 in Ecuador are not exact, since only the province of Guayas has at least 10,000 deaths that were not verified and are atypical in the average of deaths that that region presents annually.
Until August 6, the official death toll handled by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health was 5,877, but -in small print- they state that another 3,530 “probable” deaths could be added to that figure.
Thus, the total number of deaths managed by the Moreno regime — including the “probable” ones — is 9,407. However, the “official” numbers do not even reach the 10,000 atypical victims recorded by the province of Guayas.
The manipulation of information on the behavior of COVID-19 reaches such a point that, even, the Ministry of Health reports or updates the figures emphasizing the supposed percentage of recovered people, something that they even admit, does not represent if the country is performing a successful management or not of the pandemic.
In fact, the Ecuadorian Civil Registry presents figures of ‘excess’ in the number of deaths, and the number is about to reach the figure of 30,000, with an average of 100 daily deaths. All of those cases have been reported since the pandemic began. In addition, in the case of positive patients, it is stated that there is an under-registration due to the few tests carried out by the Government, something similar to what happens in Colombia and in El Salvador, among other countries.
What does the government say?
The most recent statement from the Ministry of Health talks about the supposed “continuous improvement” of indicators that reflect the behavior of COVID-19.
“Ecuador registers 86,527 accumulated confirmed cases of coronavirus, of which 77,568 were detected by an RT-PCR test. Of these, 59,344 (77%) correspond to recovered cases defined as those that have been admitted to the surveillance system with at least one positive RT-PCR test, they completed 29 days from the date of onset of symptoms. This indicator will be displayed — accumulated — weekly, every Sunday”.
It adds that “the ‘Recovered’ indicator began to be reported on April 27 and started with 1,103 cases. These cases were reported with two negative molecular tests and after 14 days of the onset of symptoms. As of May 31, 3,900 were accumulated. From June 1 to June 30 there were 12 days with information on an increase in recovered patients, with an average of 69 patients per day”.
In this sense, the Ministry highlights that “the new methodology of the ‘Recovered’ indicator aims to show the number of people who, having had the COVID-19 disease, be it mild, moderate or severe, have clinically exceeded the time not to transmit the virus. This indicator, by itself, cannot be used as the success of a country in fighting the pandemic, but is part of the various indicators of processes and results of the mitigation of the pandemic”.
This same information published on the website of the Ministry of Health was disclosed on its Twitter account. They accompany it with a series of infographics that, beyond presenting figures on the pandemic, show how the daily figures of infections and deaths are hidden, and the manipulation of the health and sanitary crisis in the South American country.
A comparison with Venezuela
In a country that exceeds, according to official figures, 86,000 cases, between the publications of August 1 and 2 — when making a comparison — only 295 new cases and 14 deaths are reported, totally atypical numbers in relation to the average presented by other countries that keep similar virulent behaviors.
When making a comparison with one of the countries that has been most careful to keep ‘slow’ the spread of infections, as is the case of Venezuela, a country that last Sunday — August 2 — just surpassed the mark of 20,000 people positive for COVID -19, and who faces a particular situation due to having one of the highest migrations of returned compatriots; shows in a fairly comprehensive and clear way detailed daily information on how the pandemic affects its population.
Of the more than 20,000 contagions that Venezuela presents, at least 5,000 are imported cases, that is, foreigners or nationals who have arrived in the country infected from countries such as Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, among others; and they seek refuge due to the vulnerability and misery to which they were totally exposed — without work or housing — in the midst of the pandemic.
In addition, Venezuela has recorded nearly 200 deaths since March 13, but the situation in the South American country has worsened due to the massive lack of control of the pandemic in its neighboring countries: Brazil -second worldwide with the most positive cases — and Colombia, also among the top ten in that same negative ranking.
Despite all this, the Venezuelan authorities remain clear when presenting the daily balances on COVID-19, as they are quite detailed and even personalized when they refer to the deceased.
Venezuela counted until Wednesday, August 5, 22,299 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Of that total, 12,146 are patients who have already recovered. In addition, 7,876 are asymptomatic cases and only 195 people have died.
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